Diana Kawarsky
Diana Kawarsky specializes in business communications for Schulich’s Executive Education Centre, York University. In addition, she is a facilitator, adult educator, coach and management consultant with Fortune 500 companies throughout North America. Her experience spans nearly 20 years. Diana is a specialist in facilitating learning for professionals to hone their interpersonal and intrapersonal skill sets; topics include, business writing, customer service skills, presentation skills, leadership development, management effectiveness, productivity skills, storytelling and creative thinking and problem solving. To date, Diana has worked with more than 20,000 business professionals, effectively improving their management communications skills to achieve higher impact results.
Beyond Project Management› Building a Strong Customer Service Culture For Your Organization› Certificate in Business Skills for Managers› Certificate in Critical Communication Skills› Developing Executive Presence for Exceptional Leadership› Effective Meeting Management› High Impact Business Writing: Reports, Proposals, Emails and Writing for the Web› Improving Presentation Effectiveness› Interpersonal Skills for Healthy Work Relationships› Masters Certificate in Analytics for Leaders› Masters Certificate in Healthcare Management› -
Areas of Interest