Strategic Planning Through Your Supply Chain

  • This Foundations module of the Masters Certificate in Supply Chain and logistics can also be taken as a standalone module.

    It covers a number of topics:

    Fundamentals of Supply Chain Strategy – What is it?

    Supply chain strategies align with overall commercial objectives and key choices need to be made.

    Supply Chain Strategy Framework Review

    What are we trying to achieve with our supply chain, how are we organized and how are our people incentivised

    Building Your Strategy

    How do you build a supply chain strategy

    Aligning Supply Chain Strategy with Business Goals

    Supply Chain is a key component of a system designed to supply products to customers, through a sales and marketing process; and all must be aligned. Trade-offs must be made between the conflicting priorities of sales and supply chain goals and objectives

    Successfully Supporting Customer and Product Segments

    Supply chain strategies vary to match customer attributes, product maturity and sourcing strategies.

    Aligning the Marketing / Sales Functions with Supply

    • Managing conflicts between Sales/Marketing priorities and SCM policies
    • The role of incentive alignment in improving revenues and costs
    • CASE STUDY: Successfully aligning logistics and sales
    • This course comprises Modules
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