Strategic Management
1. Scanning the Situation
Goal: Draft the Situation Analysis
Data Gathering
- The situation analysis process
- Concepts and history
- Strategic thinking
- The strategy framework
- Stakeholder analysis
- Customer and competitor analysis
- Trend analysis
- Industry analysis
- Current state analysis
Case Study Exercises
- Identifying the appetite for change
- Identifying critical external factors that impact strategy
- Describing current internal state
2. Preparing for Change
Goal: Draft the Strategic Plan
Issue Identification
- The strategic planning process
- The difference between strategic planning and situation analysis
- Ranking external factors
- Strategic issues identification
- Issue resolution techniques
- Scenario building
- The impact of the strategic issue
- Identifying assumptions
- Content of the strategic plan
- Communicating the plan
- Strategic vs. business plans
Case Study Exercises
- Nominal group technique
- Cross-impact analysis
- Issue drafting
3. Implementing Action
Goal: Draft the Business Plan
Strategy Selection
- The business planning process
- Separating people issues and strategy issues
- Aligning to the strategic plan
- Four categories of expectations
- Identifying expectations
- Expectations impact analysis
- The business plan strategic issue
- Implementing planning
Case Study Exercises
- Expectations analysis
- Cross impact analysis
- Strategy testing
- Implementing planning