Marketing and Data Science
This program comprises Module 1 of the Masters Certificate in Big Data and Analytics for Leaders.
1. Consumer Behaviour
Predicting future consumer behaviour has been revolutionized by data science by allowing leaders to create highly effective marketing communications messages to drive business growth. During this module, participants will learn how to answer three important questions for any business: (1) Who are our target customer segments? (2) What value propositions should we offer each segment? and 3) What changes to our marketing communications strategy are required?
Participants will learn:
- How to use the results of data and market segmentation analysis to identify key consumer behaviour and buying trends
- The best data to draw upon when developing a marketing strategy and making marketing communications decisions
- What information about your consumers should be captured in your marketing communication approach.
2. Data Science I + Data Science II
Data Science extracts knowledge or insights from data in various forms and clearly communicates these findings to clients and end-users. Participants will be introduced to the field to data science, including current and future trends, intended business applications, and major technical categories. Through case analyses, participants will learn a comprehensive set of metrics to assess the precision of their analysis and tools to make statistically sound decisions.
Participants will learn:
- The essential elements of any successful data science project
- How to prepare analytical reports and project proposals
- Evaluation metrics, and how to understand performance graphs
- How to distinguish superficial results from truly meaningful information
- Recommendation system, (i.e. Netflix), and online targeted display (i.e. Amazon recommendation system) case studies
- Fundamentals of A/B testing techniques
3. Digital Marketing Analytics
What outcomes do you expect from your website or mobile applications and how do you measure success? Digital analytics helps you answer these questions – using qualitative and quantitative data from your business and your competitors to drive continual improvement of the online experience.
Participants will learn:
- How to establish business objectives for various types of websites; including affiliate sites, company pages, and search engine links.
- Typical user actions that align with marketing funnel pathways. How website and mobile development and functionality can support business objectives.
- Examples of both “macro” and “micro” conversions – from selling products and services to helping users research and request information
- What experiences drive the right outcomes by using data that reflects individual online behavior
4. Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness
The ability to lead and collaborate effectively drives your success. Using the latest leadership assessment tools, participants will significantly improve their interpersonal and leadership capability in coaching, performance management, motivation, problem solving, team building, and communications.
- Participants will learn:What matters most to people, and how to adapt your leadership style
- The seven motivational value systems (MVS) to achieve the best relationships
- How to effectively relate, engage, communicate and influence others
- How to turn a competency into a strength using the Portrait of Personal Strengths (POPS),
- How to make better choices when in conflict