Managing Change, Conflict and Communications: A Manager’s Tool Kit

  • Learn how change leadership, conflict resolution training and employee communications relate and impact results.

    Evaluate your own change leadership style and master conflict resolution and negotiation techniques to handle any business issue. Improve your communication approach to ensure employees effectively achieve new business goals. Work through a professional action plan to show how to manage current change challenges in your department or across the organization.

    Who Should Attend

    This conflict resolution training course is ideal for businesses and public-sector departments charting a strategic new course. It will give you a clear understanding as to where change and conflict start. It will provide concrete techniques to diminish your staff’s fear of the change and reduce the conflict through specific communication techniques. It is perfect for:

    • Department VPs, directors and senior managers who are currently responsible for overseeing new change mandates
    • Public sector department managers
    • Managers, supervisors and project leaders who manage large departments or implement business strategies
    • Regional, national and international business managers
    • HR, training and employee communications specialists
    • Business administration, operations and customer service leaders
    • Front-line managers faced with business transition
    • “I am a better manager because of the knowledge and tools gained during this course.”

      C. CalabreseManager, Network Operating, Horizon Utilities Corporation
  • Course content details

  • Additional delivery options

    Adapt this program to your organization with these additional delivery options.

  • PMI, PMBOK, PMP, and PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. The Schulich Executive Education Centre is a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), as designated by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

    This program has been approved for CDP hours under Section A of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Log of the Human Resource Professionals Association (HRPA). Be sure to note the program ID number on your CPD log. For more information about certification or continuing professional development, visit the HRPA website at