Improving Presentation Effectiveness
Setting Audience Expectations
- Why fear of presenting is not your biggest challenge!
- How television and public school prevent you from succeeding
- Identify your personal challenges for the course
- Two keys to success presenters never think about
Achieving Your Desired Outcome
- How your audience impacts presentation success
- How to get the results you want from every presentation
- Defining what you really want to happen
- Why the outcome is the hardest thing to write – and why it is the most powerful
- Why every presentation needs an offer
- How to use the chunk outline
- How to cut preparation time
- Anyone can present without notes; how to do it right
Delivering Persuasive Presentations
- Stay on track, in complete control, no matter what
- Speak persuasively about anything
- Voice and mood
- Authority, “intention” and control
- Riveting your audience’s attention
- Directing the cycle of action
- Speaking/moving with purpose, authority and confidence
Curiosity: The Secret Weapon of Persuasion
- Leading your presentation with authority and control
- How to overcome resistance
- How to deal with challenging and difficult questions
- Satisfy audience needs and get positive response
From Verbal Impact to Visual Impact
- Tips and guidelines for on-screen effectiveness
- Are you creating “death by PowerPoint”?
- Success factors for PowerPoint
- Storyboard: planning your visual delivery
- Moving “beyond bullet points”
- Powerful analysis tools that allow you to create powerful slides
Presenting to Senior Managers and Executives
- Why traditional approaches don’t work
- What senior audiences want
- How executives judge effectiveness
- Six heuristics of executive decision-making
- What you must include to be successful
Putting your New Presentation Skills into Action
- Managing presentation stress
- Use Power Point to your advantage
- Practice strategies for audience interaction
- Learn the best techniques to think like your audience
- How to use stories, humour, facts and examples for the highest impact
Added Bonus
Included with registration, participants will receive a copy of Soft Skills Volume 1, written by Diana Kawarsky.