Dynamic Strategies for More Complex Negotiations
Planning and Executing Complex Negotiations
- Using a phased approach
- Analyzing multiple party alliances and potential threats
- Checklist of do’s and don’t
- Strategies and tactics for in-person and virtual negotiations
- Top 6 obstacles and mitigating strategies
Becoming a more Agile Negotiator
- Defining “agility” in the context of complex negotiations
- Becoming more observant: tips and techniques
- Responding to the unexpected: guidelines and tips
- Observing and adapting to tough negotiator styles
- Tips for cultural agility in a global negotiation environment
Handling Tough Negotiators Assertively
- Communication techniques for addressing objections
- Keeping the conversation on track: tips to avoid being derailed
- Questioning and reframing proactively
- Addressing unexpected questions and distractions
Using Your BATNA to your Advantage
- Guidelines for creating an effective BATNA, especially in complex negotiations
- When to reveal your BATNA for negotiation leverage
- Advanced strategies for communicating your BATNA
- Applying your BATNA without revealing it specifically: tips and techniques
Overcoming Negotiation Obstacles
- Top 5 obstacles to complex negotiations and how to overcome them
- When crucial information is withheld or delayed
- When the relationship is adversarial
- When the parties do not agree on a common goal
- Guidelines for negotiating the negotiation through the Dialogue Technique when necessary
Applying Negotiation Techniques for Engagement
- Interest-based techniques
- Position-based techniques
- Techniques for probing and questioning
- Techniques for building trust and collaboration
Addressing Conflict and Negative Ploys Non-Defensively
- Why conflict is unavoidable
- Guidelines for managing conflict successfully
- Understanding why negative ploys are used
- Examples of negative ploys and ways to address them
Generating More Creative Options and Solutions
- Why it is important to agree on criteria first
- Guidelines for reaching agreement on criteria
- Creative approaches to generating creative options
- Decision-making processes to filter solutions efficiently
- Using technology and visuals for collaboration